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Galleria Patricia Armocida Logo



Todd James (New York, 1969, vive e lavora a New York) è un artista americano internazionalmente riconosciuto. È co-fondatore di progetti artistici significativi come: Street Market (Deitch Project, New York, 2000), Beautiful Losers (Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center, 2007). Nei primi anni ’80 Todd James, a soli dodici anni, inizia a dipingere le carrozze della metropolitana di New York con lo pseudonimo REAS guadagnandosi molta popolarità nella cultura dei writers. Nel 1987 disegna il logo di Brooklyn Dust Elephant dei Beastie Boys, per poi collaborare in seguito con artisti come, Iggy Pop, Eminem, Pharrell Williams, U2 e Miley Cyrus, solo per citarne alcuni. Le sue opere vengono esposte in importanti istituzioni culturali tra cui: la Biennale di Venezia (2001, 2015), il MOCA Museum di Los Angeles (2011), il Brooklyn Museum di New York (2011), la Paul Kasmin Gallery di New York (2011), il Contemporary Arts Center di Cincinnati (2004), il Yerba Buena Center for the Arts di San Francisco (2004), la Tate Modern di Liverpool (2002), l'Institute of Contemporary Art di Philadelphia (1999).


Tra le mostre personali, si ricordano: Room to Breathe, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 2023; Todd James: Little Goody Two Shoes, Over the Influence Gallery, Parigi, Francia, 2023; Soldier of Fortune, Nanzuka Underground, Tokyo, Giappone, 2023; Garden of Eden, Ross+ Kramer Galleries, NYC, USA, 2021; Clean Jellybean, Over The Influence Gallery, Bangkok, 2021; The Intrepid, Galeria Javier López & Fer Frances, Madrid, 2020; Dreamer Believer, Whitestone Gallery, Taipei, 2020; Warm Welcome, Eighteen, 2020; There’s No Place Like Home, Over the Influence, Los Angeles, 2019; Sanctuary, Galleria Patricia Armocida, Milano, Italia, 2019; Nature Candy, Nanzuka Gallery, Tokyo, Giappone, 2018; Gods Are Smiling on Us, Dio Horia, Mikonos, Grecia, 2018; Love To Love You, Galleria Javier Lopez/Fer Frances, Madrid, Spagna, 2018; Interior, Eighteen Gallery, Copenhagen, 2018; Stay Golden, Aishonanzuka, Hong Kong, Cina, 2016; Fantasy Island, Lazarides Ratbone, London, 2015; Supernatural, Sandra Gering New York, 2014; Secret Garden, Galleria Patricia Armocida, Milano, Italia, 2014; Todd James, Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto, Canada, 2014.


Tra le collettive: Brick by Brick, Ross+ Kramer Galleries, NYC, USA, 2024; Beyond the Streets London, Saatchi Gallery, Londra, UK, 2023; Awakened Voices: A Curated Look From Around The World, Over the Influence, Hong Kong, 2022; Interior Dialogues, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 2022; See you all, Alice, Brussels, Belgio, 2021; I’m going every Sunday Now, Ross+ Kramer Galleries – East Hampton, East Hampton (NY), USA, 2021; Beyond the Streets on Paper, Southampton Art Center, Southampton (NY), USA, 2021; MINE III, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019; The Birds, Chart Art Gallery, Art Fair with V1 Gallery, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 2019; Beyond the Streets, Brooklyn (NY), USA, 2019; Tables, Pots & Plants – A Song for Matisse, V1 Gallery at Volta14, Basel, Switzerland, 2018; Beyond the Streets, Werkartz, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2018; Stay Gold – Todd James, Geoff McFetridge, Barry McGee and Thomas Campbell, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 2017; The Hole at Art Los Angeles Contemporary, The Hole, New York City, USA, 2017; Bridges of Graffiti, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, 2015.