Opening 14 October 2020 h 6:41 p.m., Via Argelati n° 24, 20143 Milano (MI)
Until 07 November 2020
Galleria Patricia Armocida is pleased to announce a new solo show by the Italian artist Paolo Zero-T Capezzuoli titled Displacement.
The show consists of eleven previously unshown pieces, including two artistic rugs and works that range from sculpture, to painting, photography, and ceramics.
“The desire for ‘another place’ leads to an errant life
which then fosters creativity.”
Nomadism: Initiations and Vagabondage - Michel Maffesoli
The title, Displacement, refers to the nomadic calling of the creative process of the artist capable of presenting works that contain the harmonious union of places, environments, and languages.
A nomadic probing through space and time with which the artist has contaminated his style. By pouring it into his works, along with the selection of materials, the work process, and attitudes hailing from various cultures and sub-cultures, Paolo Zero-T is able to create a solid and recognizable synergy.
Each work reflects the concept of symbolic and cultural contamination, which becomes a veritable method for artistic creation.
Structure, form, texture, dimensions, and portability are the primary dynamics that allow the style of Zero-T to dwell in unprecedented places of an ideal map, and to be transitory without becoming ephemeral.
His collection of works includes rugs woven in Nepal, African ebony wood sculptures, ceramics engraved with inscriptions and symbols like prehistoric graffiti, paintings and photographs that are reminiscent of the black books, or rather the travelogues, that the artist always carries with him. In all of his works, there is evidence of graffiti, the artistic scene in which Paolo Zero-T was a pioneer and still remains a point of reference. The result is a transgenic distillate of modi operandi, techniques, and styles.
Displacement is the natural synthesis, not only visual, of the esthetic characteristics of the origins of the artist and of the places he has come into contact with, in a constant and fluid exchange between attitude, vision, and realization of the work.
Text by Francesca Holsenn
Paolo Zero-T was born in Poggibonsi, Tuscany in 1968. Visual artist and designer, he expresses his creativity through painting, photography, sculpture, printing, and the interactions of forms and materials.
His artistic path begins in the mid ‘80s with the Italian crew CMC (Color Melodiez Combo), he becomes one of the pioneers of graffiti writing, the reason he is then accepted as a member of TDS (The Death Squad), a historic international crew from New York active since the ‘70s.
Thanks to the collaboration with Slam Jam, a leading company in the distribution of international brands associated with underground movements, beginning in 1989, Paolo Zero-T’s talent becomes an important link between fashion and street culture.
In fact, the artist partners with and assists Luca Benini’s vision in the birth of Slam Jam by developing Combo, one of the first Italian streetwear brands. He then becomes the art director of the company’s 25th anniversary, designing its logo featured on brands like Stussy, Carhartt, Head Porter, to name a few.
Constantly on the move between New York, Paris, and Tokyo, his artistic works belong to the permanent collection of Fondazione De Mitri and were part of the group exhibition THE BRIDGES OF GRAFFITI during the 2015 Venice Art Biennale.
For this occasion, Paolo Zero-T will present Displacement at Galleria Patricia Armocida in Milan.