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Galleria Patricia Armocida Logo



Alejandra Varela Perera (b. 1995, Mexico City) currently lives and works between Milan and Mexico City. Her practice revolves mainly around painting and portraiture as she investigates links between power and representation through a gaze that is both intimate and political. She moved to Italy in 2013 and in 2018 she graduated in Painting and Visual Arts from NABA, Milan. In 2019 she was an artist resident at Casa NA ILHA in São Paulo, Brazil.


Solo shows: No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá, curated by Paola Shiamtani, Galleria Patricia Armocida, Milan, 2024; Mi chiamo Lady, Spazio Xunán, Milan, 2022; Chromophobia, curated by Andra Bassan, Galera, Mexico City, 2019.


Group shows: Maza Auction House, Madrid, 2023; Scoppio Terzo, There are more things, curated by Federico Arani and Arrianna Tremolanti, Umbria, Italy, 2022; Scoppio Secondo, The thing from inner space, curated by Francesco Arani, Umbria, Italy, 2021; Walk-In Studio, Xunán, Milan, 2021; REA, curated by Paola Shiamtani, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, 2020; Primeiros Passos – 2ª edição, curated by Alice Bensen and Carlota Machado, Galeria Gravura Brasileira, Sao Paolo, Brasil, 2019; Mundos Posibles, Emerging Art Festival, CDMX, 2019; Discos Diablitos 4, Emerging Art Festival, CDMX, 2019; Itaca non è Nulla, curated by Andrea M. Bassan, Spazio Angur, Milan, 2018.