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Galleria Patricia Armocida Logo



By manually shredding pages of abandoned and unused books with great precision and patience, Jukhee Kwon creates waterfall-like hanging sculptures. Kwon is fascinated by the transformation of ordinary objects into non-ordinary ones: the closed book opens expanding itself from a reading material into a new object taking on a new existence, both physical and metaphorical. Through a process of de-construction and creation, the artist strips the book back to its very primary material, lending the sculptural forms an arborescent quality.

Not every book captures Kwon’s attention however. “Abandoned”, vintage or simply worn books that have a story, in the sense of previous ownership, in addition to the tale written inside are the treasures Jukhee looks for. As much as her creativity modifies the physical appearance of an old book, it also alters its story and its meaning. The closed book opens: the words, finally free, spring out invading the space; the sentences are broken, but new sentences and new meanings are created. The words do not follow any grammatical logic nor there is even a need for one. The full meaning of the book is lost and the shredded paper looks like a disembowelled mess but a new object is born, inspiring a profound sense of wonder.

Jukhee Kwon was born in South Korea in 1981 and is currently living and working in Italy. She studied in Korea and holds an MA from Camberwell College of Arts, London. She has exhibited internationally in the UK, France and Korea.

Among her last solo exhibitions: Jukhee Kwon, October Gallery, London 2014; Being, La Scatola Gallery, London 2012; Inside-Out, Camberwell College of Arts Library, London 2011; Tree to Tree, Seorabul Gallery, Korea 2004.

Among her last group exhibition: Art Verona Fair, Galleria Patricia Armocida, Verona, Italy, 2019; Dream No Small Dream: 40 Years of the Transavangarde, October Gallery, London, 2019; Present Moment, October Gallery, London, 2019; Please, return to Busan, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norway 2016; Solchi letterari, Museo Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati, Italy 2016; Have a Good Day, Mr. Kim!, Michael Horbach Foundation in partnership with Choi & Lager Gallery, Koln 2015; Art 15, Freedom Audit, October Gallery, London 2015; Malfunction Library, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea 2014; Presents, Choi & Lager Project, Paris 2014; Art 14, October Gallery, London 2014; Journeys, TEA for THREE project, Berlin 2013; Rock, Paper and Scissors, TEA for Three project, Milan 2013; The secret garden, Choi & Lager Project, Paris 2013; Art Dubai, Dubai 2013; Scope Basel, October Gallery, Basel 2013; The world of Extraordinary Objects, October Gallery, London 2013; A Korean Eye, Choi & Lager project, Paris 2012; The Map of Korea, 5th 4482 Korean Exhibition, Barge House Gallery, London 2012.